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Welcome to visit our site!

We are Baccum as a board game pulisher​ located in Seoul, Repulic of Korea.

We are founded in 2015 with a passion for good board games. 

We are a board game specialist that researches, develops and produces board games.

Also, as a member of Spiel Direkt, an association of small and medium-sized board game publishers in Germany, We are working hard to enter the world market.


 A totla of three works were released worldwide.


"To the Ends of the Earth"

Baccum's new Board game in 2022.

Our new game project achieved big success at Wadiz crowdfunding site in Korea.

The [To the Ends of the Earth]'s 2nd Encore-Funding Project will start at Wadiz on August 21!


You can know our game rules through the video. (However, the language is Korean.)

룰 설명 동영상(New)
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진정한 기도메타가 돌아왔다!! 땅끝까지 이르러 즐겨보게!!
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Let's take a closer look at 'To the Ends of the Earth'?

All the illustrations for "To the End of the Earth" were worked with the late artist Junggi Kim.

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Previous Project

Baccum's 'History Series' Board game

Since its establishment, we have been making historical moments into board games.

This is because we wanted to deliver important historical moments to our customers in an easy and fun way.

Therefore, we have always paid attention to dramatic and attractive historical moments as a storytelling theme for our games.




From the 4th century BC

to the 19th century,
A strategic confrontation game of world-famous generals.

Azuchi Castle


​Background of the warring states period in Japan,
A castle building game.



Background of ancient Athens,
A country management  game.

To the Ends
of the Earth


After the Ascension

of Jesus Christ,
A game about the world spread process of early Christianity.

Previous Project

백훔의 '역사시리즈' 보드게임

백훔은 역사의 순간을 보드게임으로 제작해왔습니다. 
역사의 순간이 이야기(Storytelling)의 소재로서 갖는 친숙하면서 드라마틱한 매력에 집중하고, 

보드게임이라는 콘텐츠의 장르적 특성을 발휘하여 중요한 역사의 순간을 쉽고 재미있게 전달하고자 합니다. 

Contact Us

If you have interest our products or have any questions, please feel free contact us via email.

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